The ancient teachings of yoga and also the Bhagavad Gita, talks about three essential aspects of nature. These are called the Gunas. The GUNAS are the three main qualities whose interaction produces all forms of “creation” which emanates from the Prakriti, the Original Nature. They are the most subtle qualities of nature and exist in all the things, including our body and mind. All objects in the universe consist of various combinations of the three Gunas. These Gunas determine the nature of things, beings, their actions, behavior, attitude and attachments and their involvement with the objective world in which they live.

Each Guna has its own characteristics. Action that is virtuous, free from attachment, and without craving for results is considered Sattvic; Action that is driven purely by craving for pleasure, selfishness and agitation is Rajasic; Action that is undertaken because of delusion, disregarding consequences, without considering loss or injury to others or self, ignorance is called Tamasic.

How can we say that the three Gunas exist? You can see it in your own body and in your own life. You find that you are lethargic one day and for no reason unable to do anything. The next day you are fit and active again, ready to do anything. There comes a time when you are happy, just like that and you do not know why. Everything gets influenced by these Gunas depending upon which one is more dominant in each individual.

The food we eat if tastes good and promote health, strength, and a pleasant mind is sattva. If it is oversalted, highly spiced, and causes illness and depression is rajas. If it is stale, unwanted by others, and not fit as an offering is tamas. That is why many people avoid spicy food, onion garlic etc because they are tasamic and rajasic and they lead to passion and ignorance

Similarly our happiness may arise from inner discrimination and increase over time (sattva) if it is overly sensual sweet in the beginning, poisonous in the end (rajas) and if it arises from sleep, lethargy, and negligence (tamas)

The knowledge of these three Gunas, which hold the entire universe and all creatures under their sway, is of vital importance to each and everyone for their progress and happiness in life.  In Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna reveals that these three qualities compose the Cosmic Nature. This Cosmic Nature is the primal source and origin of the entire creation and all things in it. Hence all things created are subject to their influence. The highest of the three qualities is Sattwa. It is pure. It brings about happiness, wisdom and also illumination. The second quality of Rajas gives rise to passion manifested by intense attachment and greed and hence causes sorrow and suffering. The third, termed Tamas, is the worst of all. It arises due to ignorance and results in darkness, lethargy and delusion

The purpose of such an elaborate description of these three qualities in the Bhagavad-Gita is not to encourage us to become sattvic or eliminate other qualities. Whether it is sattva or rajas or tamas, the Gunas are part of Prakriti and responsible for all our behaviors, ignorance, delusion, bondage and suffering on earth. When they are active, we remain bound to one thing or another. We cannot be free, until they are fully resolved. Therefore, the Bhagavad Gita suggests that we should try to transcend them rather than cultivate them that is by disciplining the totality of life, one has to go beyond tamas (the quality of laziness), and then beyond rajas (the quality of activity and desires). Then one becomes more sattvic (the quality of happiness, calmness and lightness).  One who does not hates illumination, doesn’t yearn for any kind of attachment, who is not bothered by blame or praise, one who regards equally the desirable or undesirable, who treats friends and enemies alike etc such a person is said to have transcends the three mode of nature. By knowing the nature of the three gunas and how they tend to keep us in bondage and illusion, we should become wiser and strive to transcend them. In today’s world, where tamas and rajas predominate, it is even more important to gain a good understanding of the Gunas as these 3 qualities or Gunas have a direct effect on our physical health, our mental state and our emotional well being. Every day situations need you to take decisions. All decisions are guided by tamas, rajas or sattva, but those that are guided by sattva are the best.

When a human being transcends these three modes of nature and correctly understand that all actions are a result of these GUNAS, he is freed from birth, death, old age and illness and is able to enjoy life.

P.S- To know about it in more detail, you can read THE BHAGAVAD GITA.


Monika Jajoo
The 5 AM Club: How To Get More Done While The World Is Sleeping (Productivity, Time Management, Getting Things Done, Wake Up Early

Affirm Your Life :)

I have been saying you all to use positive affirmation so as to achieve what you desire, but what it is exactly and how can it help us?

An affirmation is simply a statement of fact or belief that is written out in a personal, positive, present tense form as though the goal were already a reality. For example- I choose to forgive everyone. I choose to be totally responsible for my life, and I no longer blame others. I choose to love my body and treat it with total respect etc. When you write out your affirmations, you deliberately control the programming of your subconscious by directing the visual picture to the end result you want

We have been doing this always. Our self-talk and every day conversation contain constant affirmations regarding our existing beliefs and attitudes. These affirmations have brought us to where we are right now. They either have allowed us to create what we desire, or have kept us from having what we desire.

Why are affirmations so powerful? Simply because the persistent repetition of an affirmation (idea), especially when coupled with visualization and emotion conditions the mind to see things differently. The affirmation eventually becomes installed as a consistent thought. Since our consistent thoughts become our reality, affirmations are the key to changing our reality.

Let me ask you a question. Does advertising work? Of course it does! Advertisers spend billions of dollars on advertisements designed to get our attention and have us take action (buy their products). Advertisers know that if they repeat something over and over again with repetition and emotion they will get our attention. They will literally condition us to demand a certain product or service. If they are willing to spend billions of dollars to advertise and get your attention, wouldn’t it be wise for you do the same thing for free? Why not “advertise” to yourself. Choose your own “ad”. Adjust your own repetition and emotion. You can do the Imprinting yourself with great success. Only this time you get to choose the end result or what you want to “sell” yourself on.

Please refer to the following points while creating a powerful affirmation

  • It should be in the present tense.
  • It must state what you want, not what you don’t want. E.g. – I don’t want a job where I have to travel so far. If you focus on don’t, you attract more of it
  • It must be Specific. E.g. – I choose to earn 6 lacs this year.

 If you read your affirmations, picture the end result, and feel the emotion behind the accomplishment of what you are picturing, you can expect a 100 % success rate. Design Your Life the way you want.


Monika Jajoo

Get your kitchen Dust free. Stay Healthy, Stay Happy 🙂

Your Happiness Begins With You

There is a great saying by Dada Vaswani

 “Happiness, true happiness, is an inner quality. It is a state of mind. If your mind is at peace, you are happy. If your mind is at peace, but you have nothing else, you can be happy. If you have everything the world can give – pleasure, possessions, power – but lack peace of mind, you can never be happy.” 

Happiness is a state of mind that lies deep within us, in the very core of our being. Happiness does not exist in any external object, but only in us. Though we seem to derive happiness from external objects or experiences unfortunately which doesn’t last for long. This is a very common pattern that most of us have- we try to find happiness in people and things around us, instead of finding it within. And of course, the pleasure we get from these things is not constant, only temporary.

Let me explain you this with an example- let’s say someone you care about gets angry at you. If you are emotionally dependent(who get good feelings from outside), you may feel rejected and believe that your feelings of rejection are coming from the other’s anger. You might also feel hurt, scared etc. You might try many ways of getting the other person to not be angry, in an effort to feel better. However, if you are emotionally responsible, you will feel and respond entirely differently. The first thing you might do is to tell yourself that another person’s anger has nothing to do with you. Perhaps that person is having a bad day and is taking it out on you. Whatever the reason for the other’s anger, it is about them rather than about you. An emotionally responsible person does not take others behavior personally, knowing that we have no control over others feelings and behavior, and that we do not cause others to feel and behave the way they do – that others are responsible for their feelings and behavior just as we are for ours.

If you look for happiness around you, in people or in things, it has and will always be short-lived. Also, If you happen to depend on others for happiness, implicitly, they also become the source of problems and sadness in your life. You become vulnerable and can be easily hurt when your feelings of security and happiness depend on the behavior and actions of other people. Never give your power to anyone else.

In order to live a happy life, you really need to F.L.Y (refer to my previous article) and  start doing the following;

  1. Stop being emotionally dependent.
  2. Face your fear
  3. Be the love you are seeking in others
  4. Find beauty in everything
  5. Expect nothing, accept everything
  6. Start Meditating
  7. Practice Gratitude

It doesn’t only guarantee you happiness, but you actually start living a positive, joyous life.


Monika Jajoo


Awesome collection of some DIARIES

F.L.Y-First love Yourself :)

If I asked you to name all the things (living or non-living) you love, how long would it take for you to name yourself?

Before writing this article, I took a survey in which I asked the same question to a bunch of people, and the result came shocking to me. 98 % of people have a long list of their likings, but unfortunately they are not a part of it.

Do you know to have a good relationship with anyone else, you must first have cultivated a good one with yourself. It’s essential to have a solid foundation of knowing and understanding who you are, and what matters most to you. Find out who you are, what you like the most, how you want your life to be, just don’t settle for anything less than what you deserve. My dear friends trust me self growth is sexy, you would love this journey of discovering a brand new version of YOU.

Do you ever feel like you haven’t loved or been loved enough in your life, and you desire more? Do you ever think, “When I find my true love then I’ll be complete?” Or perhaps you are already in a long-term relationship and you’d like it to be more loving?

The solution to all the above question is First love Yourself and everything will fall perfectly in line. You attract what you are. If you are awesome you will attract awesomeness and if you are a mess you will attract a mess. Work on your issue to become self aware about where you have room for improvement. Dig deep within to demonstrate your worth.

Don’t affirm things like, I am fat, ugly, I hate to see myself in the mirror, I am not smart enough to cope up in this competitive world, I am ready to sacrifice things for others etc. When you do this, you lack love within you, and if you don’t love and accept yourself, how can you expect other to do so. If you want your partner to appreciate your beauty, you must first feel from within that you are the most beautiful/handsome, wonderful and amazing person in this world. Love yourself or nobody will.  No matter how hard you try, you just won’t find everlasting love anywhere else but within. You can’t earn it or perform for it. Love is not what you want. Love is what you are. This is a very important distinction.Until and unless you love yourself, accept yourself with all your flaws, you can never be the truest version of yourself and thus getting into a relationship pretending to be a certain version of yourself would be a recipe for disaster.

When you love yourself rather than trying to get love from others, you heal emptiness, loneliness and neediness. When you love yourself, you become so filled up with love that you have love to share with others. Sharing love is the most wonderful experience in life, way more fulfilling than getting love!

If you have never taken the time to learn to love yourself, why not start now? Remember in order to F.L.Y high you must First Love Yourself.


Monika Jajoo


Fake it Till you make it!

“Fake it till you make it”. Have you heard this saying before? The phrase is so common, that it has its own wiki. It means that if you want something, you must act as if you already have it in order to get it.  So, if you want to be healthy, you must act as if you are already healthy.

As you imagine and visualize and verbalize your new story, in time you will believe the new story, and when that happens, the evidence will flow swiftly into your experience. A belief is only a thought you continue to think and when your beliefs match your desires, then your desires must become your reality.

The Law of Attraction says that which is like unto itself, is drawn. In other words, that what you think, in any moment, attracts unto itself other thoughts that are like it. That is why whenever you are thinking about a subject that is not pleasant, in a very short period of time, most of you, upon any subject that you ponder very long, attract enough supporting data that it does bring forth the essence of the subject of the thought into your experience.

You are the only one who creates in your experience—no one else. Everything that comes to you comes by the power of your thought. If there are changes you would like to make, it will be of great value to begin telling a different story—not only about your health, but about all subjects that have been troubling to you. As you begin to positively focus, getting to feel so good about so many subjects, you will begin to feel the power that creates worlds flowing through you.

As you practice your more positive, better-feeling story, in time your pleasure will become the dominant vibration within you, and then as you couple your pleasure with your means of your desires, the two will blend perfectly and enhance each other.

So, what are you waiting for? Just fake it till you make it. Remember we are powerful creative beings who determine our future with every thought we think and every word we speak.

Smile 🙂

Waiting is a trap!

Why are we waiting to be healthy, to be happy, to be alive, to be wealthy, to start a new business, to fall in love, to communicate, to clear up the relationships we are in? Waiting is a trap. We wait for interest rates to go down, for the economy to get better, for a person to change,for the holiday to pass before starting a diet. But there will always be a reason to wait.

There is a great saying by Dr Robert Anthony, “Waiting is a trap. There will always be reasons to wait. The truth is, there are only two things in life, reasons and results, and reasons simply don’t count.”

The time is now, get crystal clear about what do you want, what are the things that makes you happy. Write it down, be specific about it and follow the three creative steps which were introduced in the movie “The Secret” and the same are also mentioned in my article “Believe and you receive”.

You get to choose what you want, but you must get clear about what you want. This is your work. If you are not clear than the law of attraction cannot bring you what you want. You will be sending out a mixed frequency and you can only attract mixed results. For the first time in your life perhaps, work out what it is you really want, now that you know you can have ,be, or do anything, and there are no limits.

Asking is the first step in the creative process, so make it a habit to ask. If you have to make a choice and you don’t know which way to go, simply ASK! You should never be stumped on anything in your life. Just Ask!

The universe like speed. Don’t delay. Don’t second guess. Don’t doubt. When opportunity is there, when the impulse is there when the intuitive nudge from within is there, Act. That’s your job and that’s all you have to do.

Remember you can start with nothing, and out of nothing and out of no way, a way will be made.


Monika Jajoo



Eliminate negativity and welcome happiness :)

If you have read my previous blog “Believe and you receive” you must be aware of law of attraction now. What we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us. I believe that everyone, myself included, is responsible for everything in our lives, the best and the worst. Each one of us creates our experiences by our thoughts and feelings.

We create the situation and then we give our power away by blaming the other person for our frustration. No person, no place and no things have any power over us.

Nevertheless, if you are willing to transform your life, you can do so and make your present and future very bright. I will help you, just follow the simple steps mentioned below.

Step1-You should have the utmost belief that this is going to change your life and you are about to experience wonderful things.

Step 2- Train your mind to think what you want in your life, instead of focusing on what you don’t want. Worry, fear, guilt, tension, frustration and negative thinking, all this are allowing your mind to focus on what you don’t want. Eliminate all this negative thoughts.

Step 3- Change the negative thought into a positive one. For example, if you are worried and focusing on what could go wrong in a situation, change your thoughts to what could go right. The mind can only think one thought at a time; so changing the negative into a positive eliminates the negative.

Step 4- Use an affirmation. Begin affirming to yourself something positive and self-supporting. The mind will focus on what you are repeating to yourself.

Step 5- Use humor and fun. We get very serious and stressed when we’re thinking negative thoughts. Think of something funny to change the energy, or do something fun like going to a movie or having a night out with friends. Don’t let your negative thoughts have power over you. Be proactive in eliminating them.

Step 6- Remind yourself that the negative thought you are thinking is “only a negative thought.” It has no power other than what you give it. Negatives gain momentum from your thinking them over and over again. So stop thinking them.

I will also recommend you to keep a journal and start writing 10 things everyday you are grateful for, early in the morning to kick start your day .every time you are sitting ideal, look around yourself and be grateful for all the things. Don’t waste an opportunity to be grateful for.

Remember “If you are not grateful for what you have, what you have will also be taken away from you”. Feel grateful, Feel good.


Monika Jajoo.

Believe and you receive :)

Dear Friends,

I decided to write this blog because it seemed like the best way I could think of to share with others the wonderful things I have learned which have so deepened and expanded my experience and enjoyment of life. You must be probably sitting there wondering, what i am talking about. I will tell you.

We all work with one infinite power. Wherever you are – India ,USA,UAE or anywhere in this world, we are all working with one power and that is “Law Of Attraction”

It is the law of attraction that determines every moment of your life and every single thing you experience in your life. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you are the law of attraction is forming your entire life experience and this all powerful law is doing this through your THOUGHTS. You are the one who calls the law of attraction into action, and you do it through your thoughts.

Why you think that 1 percent of the population earns around 96 percent of all the money that’s being earned? The answer is they think thoughts of abundance and wealth and they do not allow any contradictory thoughts to take root into their minds. They only know wealth and so they become more richer. It is the law of attraction in action.

Everything that surrounds you right now in your life including the things you are complaining about, my dear friend you have attracted it. Nothing can come into your experience unless you summon it through persistent thoughts. If you think thoughts of love guess who receives the benefits? Of course YOU!

It is the combination of thoughts and love which forms the force of law of attraction. If you think unkind thoughts about someone else, you will experience those unkind thoughts manifested in your own life. You cannot harm others with your own thoughts, you can only harm yourself. If you think thoughts of love guess who receives the benefits? Of course you my dear friend.

Once you begin to understand and truly master your thoughts and feelings, that’s when you see how you create your own reality. Just remember You are the creator of You and the law of attraction is your magnificent tool to create whatever you want in your life.

If you desire a happier, fuller and richer life, begin to use this miracle working power and smooth you way in daily affairs ,solve business problems, and bring harmony in family or in any relationship. I will help you how to use this powerful tool.

You are now receiving a knowledge that will enable you to create the most magnificent version of YOU.

Anything is possible for you to achieve if you can conceive it!  There are basic Law of Attraction steps and if you want to achieve your goals and dreams, you need to understand these steps. The first thing you must do is to know what you want and to be very clear about it. You cannot get what you want if you do not clearly know what it is in life that you want. The results will be mixed if you are unclear.


This is step one in the creative process. Ask for what you want. Keep in mind that you have no limits here, you can ask for whatever you want. Also, it is not necessary for you to ask for the same thing over and over because this does not increase your odds of getting what it is that you are asking for. As we move onto the next step, you will understand that you will need to focus on the belief that you have already received everything that you asked for.

The Universe is filled with endless options for you. Whatever you would like to have in your life is yours for the asking. It can be about relationships, money, career, freedom, or anything really. The most important thing is that you take the time to be very clear about what you really truly want in your life before you ask the Universe for anything.


Step two in the Law of Attraction creative process is to believe. In order for you to receive what it is that you are asking for you must believe that it is already yours. Try to visualize this. Professional athletes do this all the time. Many of the top athletes spend alot of time actually visualizing what they will accomplish in their sport before they even start. Think about a professional golfer who will visualize the shot they are about to make. They will picture in their mind where the ball will land before they even think of swinging the club. This same concept can be applied to your own life by believing that what you are asking for is already yours. Let’s say, as an example, that you have asked the Universe for a new car. Now what I want you to do is to imagine yourself sitting in the driver’s seat of that new car. Imagine the color, the new car smell, the feel of the wheel…let your imagination take you there through this step.


Once you have focused on what you are asking the Universe for, asked and believed that you have already achieved or accomplished it, you must be receptive to receiving it when the universe grants your request. This is probably the most important of the Law of Attraction steps and while this may seem like common sense at first, many people either fail to see the signs the Universe is trying to provide to us, or they are not in the right state of mind to receive. To begin to put yourself in the right frame of mind, you must begin to feel good overall. Be thankful for what you already have in your life. Focus more on positive thoughts, working proactively to remove negative thoughts or to stop them from forming in your mind. By placing your mind in a positive place, you will be open to receiving the gifts that the Universe intends to provide to you.

My dear Friends your life is in your hands. Wish you all abundance of joy and success in life.Feel grateful,Feel Good.


Monika Jajoo